How to email the author:
Because of the large volume of junk mail which I receive (several
hundred a day), largely because of the email links formerly present on
this site, I believe, I have changed the way email can be sent to me.
Click on the email link and then:
- replace the characters "&AT&" with the "@" sign;
- replace the word "junk" with the contents of the subject field.
Alternatively just compose a new message in your email client and for
the To: field, create a recipient at with an appropriate
name which relates to the subject.
If you digitally sign your email it is slightly more likely to be read
by me.
Whatever you do, if you want me to read your email, don't include words
in the subject line that have to do with male impotency or enlargement!
If you find this inconvenient, as I do, feel free to complain to my
host ValueWeb that
they do nothing to stop the flood of junk mail to their business