Analysis of OKBridge Hands

Below, I have included the actual output for my play in a recent week.  I have
suppressed the names of my partners (to protect the innocent) - you will
just see the word "<partner>" - but normally that would be an actual name.

The analysis is in two parts:
    1.. The first part is a list of all boards for which hand records were input (I get my weekly hand records from Georg Mavridis [for which thanks, Georg] - see comment in recent issue of the Spectator), but of course the boards could eventually be downloaded from OKB by the service, whatever that might be.
    2.. The second part is a summary of all boards (divided into MPs and IMPs), which shows totals and averages for MP/IMP contributions for each or the partners who have played at least 3 boards with the "player".

In the first part, each board is shown with the following information:
    a.. board number, vulnerability and total times played;
    b.. who partner was, direction sitting and actual contract/result with score;
    c.. a general description of type of hand (competitive aspect of hand, which side the hand "belongs" to);
    d.. the par results for NS and EW (with no interference) and the absolute par defined as the contract which neither side can outbid and still receive a better score.  Sometimes the absolute par matches either the NS or EW par (a non-competitive or somewhat competitive hand) and sometimes it is higher than either (a strongly competitive hand).  A non-competitive hand is when the par for one side or the other is a PassOut.  A "somewhat competitive" hand is where both sides can make something but one side simply outbids the other.  A "sacrificial" hand is one where one side can make nothing themselves, but can take an profitable sacrifice.  I could also note such things as a double game (or double slam) swing hand, but don't at present - it's very easy to see for yourself.
    e.. the "compare" contract:  this is the same contract that we played in except that the number of tricks taken is the average from all playings at that strain (see notes below for actual definition of "average").  It is used to discriminate the gains for the auction and play (defense/dummy as appropriate).
    f.. a separator (dashes)
    g.. possible comments regarding the auction such as "We did not compete", "They did not double", etc.  These should be self-explanatory.  If there are no comments, then both sides bid appropriately.  Sometimes after "overbid" you will see "in push zone".  This happens when the defenders would have been able to push you into an unmakeable contract (though I don't check the auction to see if this actually occurred - see notes/caveats about the "intelligence" of this analyzer).  The comment "we/they did not compete" really means "did not compete further".  Again, the analyzer does not look at the actual auction.  The comment "we/they found wrong strain" can be misleading in some cases (and I will probably fix it).  An example would be where we (or they) can make either of two games, say, but we/they underbid in a strain different from the one in the par contract.  In such a case, the comment should really say "underbid".
    h.. Our gain for auction (in terms of MPs percentage, or IMPs): these are the points we "won" (or lost) in the auction (found by comparing the "compare" contract with the absolute par.  Of course, "our" gain is equivalent to "their loss" and vice versa.  We attempt no judgment as to which side truly "deserves" the gain/loss.
    i.. Our gain for defense or my/pd gain for dummy play:  similar to our gain for auction, but compares our actual contract with the "compare" contract.  Again no judgment as to whether declarer was brilliant or defense weak, etc.
    j.. Teammates gain:  this is the points we won or lost at all of the other tables which played the hand.  A negative gain here is a "fix".  At MPs, it is simply the difference between the absolute par and a flat board.  At IMPs, it is what is left of our score, after subtracting out the auction gain and the defense/dummy play gains.  Take as an example board MP-26.194.  There are an easy 11 tricks in Hearts (or 10/11 tricks in Spades) for E/W.  Our opponents got there (we have nothing we can really compete with, given the dealer, vulnerability, etc.), but many of our "teammates" either underbid (playing in a partial) or overbid to slam.  We got 18% for the "normal" result.  Therefore, we had a 32% "fix".  Of course sometimes is works the other way and we get a good result for nothing.  However, there are times when we were quiet and allowed the opponents to get to the right spot unjostled, when we could have opened, say with a preempt but didn't.  In such a case (assuming there is no save for us), the teammates would show a loss, whereas in fact part of the blame ought to appear as our auction gain (loss).  Again, it's beyond the scope of the program to analyze what did or did not happen in the auction.
    k.. a separator (dashes) (end of analysis for this board).  Note that the sum of the three gains shown above will always come to our actual result (strictly speaking, in MPs it is our result less 50%).  In the second part, we see a summary of the various player's "skills".  This section is pretty much self-explanatory.  This is of course, the real value of the analysis, because it allows you to help find partners who are really compatible.  Of course it's nice to have a partner who can play the dummy well, but such a person is likely to have a relatively high Lehman rating anyway, and playing with that person may not increase your rating (I'm assuming we'd all like to increase our ratings) even though it's always fun. What is perhaps more important is to find someone of a similar rating to yourself who has a compatible bidding style (as evidenced by auction contributions) and who plays defense with you a little better than your average.  Then the two of you are really clicking as a partnership.  Incidentally, auction and defense gains are divided equally between the two partners (again, no judgment) while dummy gains play go 100% to the declarer.

Just for interest, the total help from teammates is shown.  Over the long haul, this should average out to nothing.  I note however in the example shown below (last week) that I got 67 IMPs worth of fixes last week (over 75 boards) and still came out only 21 IMPs down!  Note however, that this teammate help factor is very dependent on the choice of number of available tricks.  Using results from a double-dummy solver would likely keep this number closer to zero.

Some notes and caveats:
    1.. The par contracts and compare contracts are based on actual results at the tables.  Results/strains of low statistical significance (currently those which happened twice or less) are not considered.  For normal contracts, the number of tricks available is determined as follows:  the mean, mode and median tricks are calculated.  If all (or two) agree, that's what we use, else we use the mode (the most frequent result).  No double-dummy analysis is considered (though that would be an appropriate fourth source of available numbers of trick).
    2.. As noted above, we do not look into the play of the hand or the actual auction (only the results matter).  Therefore it is impossible, and beyond the scope of the analysis, to assign blame to one partner or another (even if that were desirable).
    3.. The comments on the auction and hand type cannot be considered 100% accurate.  There are just too many strange possibilities at bridge.  However, most of the time, they will indeed be accurate.  If you've got this far and would like me to run an analysis for you, just email me the hand records and I will do it.  You can concatenate as many hands together as you like - MPs and IMPs can all be intermixed.  But be reasonable, don't send me a whole year's worth of hand records!

Finally, here is my analysis for my play in a recent week (the interesting part of the analysis is  here):

OKBridge Hand Analysis for spider

Board: MP-26.180 (Both vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 2H/NS+5 score:    37%
Non-competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+3 score:    19%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    91%
Par Abs: 3N/NS+3 score:    19%
Compare: 2H/NS+3 score:    64%
They found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:      45%
Our gain for defense:     -27%
Teammates gain:           -31%

Board: MP-26.181 (N-S vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 5D/NS-1 score:    42%
Strongly competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+4 score:     9%
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:    65%
Par Abs: 5DX/NS-1 score:    57%
Compare: 5D/NS-1 score:    42%
They overbid
We did not double
Our gain for auction:     -15%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:             7%

Board: MP-26.182 (E-W vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 4H/NS-2 score:    91%
Non-competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:    22%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    67%
Par Abs: 4H/NS+4 score:    22%
Compare: 4H/NS+4 score:    22%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:      70%
Teammates gain:           -28%

Board: MP-26.183 (Both vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 5DX/EW-1 score:    49%
Strongly competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    23%
Par  EW: 5D/EW+5 score:    88%
Par Abs: 5SX/NS-1 score:    83%
Compare: 5DX/EW+5 score:    95%
They did not save
Our gain for auction:      13%
Pd  gain for dummy play:  -46%
Teammates gain:            33%

Board: MP-26.184 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 5SX/EW+5 score:    96%
Strongly competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+4 score:     4%
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:    68%
Par Abs: 5DX/NS-1 score:    40%
Compare: 5SX/EW-1 score:    10%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -31%
Pd  gain for dummy play:   87%
Teammates gain:           -10%

Board: MP-26.186 (Both vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 1CX/EW-1 score:    20%
Non-competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+4 score:    45%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    84%
Par Abs: 4D/NS+4 score:    45%
Compare: 1CX/EW-1 score:    20%
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:     -25%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            -6%

Board: MP-26.187 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 4S/NS+4 score:    59%
Non-competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    59%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    83%
Par Abs: 4S/NS+4 score:    59%
Compare: 4S/NS+4 score:    59%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:             9%

Board: MP-26.188 (N-S vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 2DX/NS+3 score:     1%
Somewhat competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+3 score:     5%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+3 score:    76%
Par Abs: 3S/EW+3 score:    76%
Compare: 2DX/NS+3 score:     1%
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:     -75%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            26%

Board: MP-26.190 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3D/NS+3 score:    73%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+3 score:    73%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+1 score:    14%
Par Abs: 3D/NS+3 score:    73%
Compare: 3D/NS+3 score:    73%
Our gain for auction:       0%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            23%

Board: MP-26.191 (N-S vul) played 58 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW-1 score:    38%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:    83%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:    12%
Par Abs: 4HX/EW-1 score:    51%
Compare: 4H/EW-1 score:    38%
We did not double
Our gain for auction:     -13%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:             1%

Board: MP-26.194 (N-S vul) played 58 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW+5 score:    18%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    70%
Par  EW: 4H/EW+5 score:    18%
Par Abs: 5H/EW+5 score:    18%
Compare: 4H/EW+5 score:    18%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -32%

Board: MP-26.195 (E-W vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6S/NS+6 score:    80%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+5 score:    67%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    54%
Par Abs: 5N/NS+5 score:    67%
Compare: 6S/NS-1 score:    39%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -29%
Pd  gain for dummy play:   41%
Teammates gain:            17%

Board: MP-26.196 (Both vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3H/NS+4 score:    29%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    78%
Par  EW: 1D/EW+3 score:     2%
Par Abs: 5DX/EW-2 score:    54%
Compare: 3H/NS+4 score:    29%
We found wrong strain
They did not save
Our gain for auction:     -25%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:             4%

Board: MP-26.203 (None vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2N/EW+2 score:    26%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    60%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:    26%
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:    26%
Compare: 2N/EW+2 score:    26%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -24%

Board: MP-26.205 (Both vul) played 59 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3D/NS-1 score:    38%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+3 score:    78%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:    23%
Par Abs: 3D/NS+3 score:    78%
Compare: 3D/NS+3 score:    78%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Pd  gain for dummy play:  -40%
Teammates gain:            28%

Board: MP-26.206 (None vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW+7 score:    69%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    87%
Par  EW: 6S/EW+6 score:    42%
Par Abs: 6S/EW+6 score:    42%
Compare: 4S/EW+6 score:    82%
Our gain for auction:      40%
Our gain for defense:     -13%
Teammates gain:            -8%

Board: MP-26.207 (N-S vul) played 57 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+3 score:    92%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:    80%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    64%
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:    80%
Compare: 3N/NS-1 score:    50%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -30%
My  gain for dummy play:   42%
Teammates gain:            30%

Board: MP-26.208 (E-W vul) played 62 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW+5 score:    50%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    98%
Par  EW: 3N/EW+5 score:    50%
Par Abs: 5N/EW+5 score:    50%
Compare: 3N/EW+5 score:    50%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:             0%

Board: MP-26.209 (None vul) played 60 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2N/EW-3 score:    92%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:    84%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    29%
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:    84%
Compare: 2N/EW-3 score:    92%
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:       8%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            34%

Board: MP-26.210 (N-S vul) played 64 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    82%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    82%
Par  EW: 1D/EW+2 score:    24%
Par Abs: 5DX/EW-3 score:    64%
Compare: 4S/NS+4 score:    82%
They did not save
Our gain for auction:      18%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            14%

Board: MP-26.211 (E-W vul) played 64 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW-1 score:    77%
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+2 score:    57%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:    40%
Par Abs: 3H/EW+3 score:    40%
Compare: 4H/EW-1 score:    77%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      36%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -10%

Board: MP-26.213 (N-S vul) played 63 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3NX/NS-1 score:     2%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:    80%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    55%
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:    80%
Compare: 3NX/NS-1 score:     2%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -78%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            30%

Board: MP-26.214 (E-W vul) played 62 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW+4 score:    49%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    80%
Par  EW: 3N/EW+4 score:    28%
Par Abs: 4N/EW+4 score:    28%
Compare: 4S/EW+4 score:    49%
Our gain for auction:      21%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -22%

Board: MP-26.215 (Both vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6H/NS-2 score:     7%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:    63%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:    11%
Par Abs: 4SX/EW-2 score:    30%
Compare: 6H/NS-2 score:     7%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -23%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:           -21%

Board: MP-26.216 (None vul) played 66 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW+3 score:    80%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    98%
Par  EW: 3N/EW+4 score:    20%
Par Abs: 4N/EW+4 score:    20%
Compare: 3N/EW+4 score:    20%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:      61%
Teammates gain:           -30%

Board: MP-26.217 (E-W vul) played 59 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2D/EW+2 score:    46%
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+2 score:    69%
Par  EW: 1D/EW+2 score:    46%
Par Abs: 2D/EW+2 score:    46%
Compare: 2D/EW+2 score:    46%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            -4%

Board: MP-26.218 (Both vul) played 63 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5D/EW-1 score:    60%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:    77%
Par  EW: 1C/EW+3 score:    31%
Par Abs: 3S/NS+3 score:    77%
Compare: 5D/EW-2 score:    85%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:       8%
Our gain for defense:     -25%
Teammates gain:            27%

Board: MP-26.219 (None vul) played 60 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW-1 score:    86%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    78%
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:    17%
Par Abs: 4S/EW+4 score:    17%
Compare: 4S/EW+4 score:    17%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:      70%
Teammates gain:           -33%

Board: MP-26.220 (N-S vul) played 64 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+5 score:    76%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+5 score:    76%
Par  EW: PassOut score:     5%
Par Abs: 5N/NS+5 score:    76%
Compare: 3N/NS+5 score:    76%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            26%

Board: MP-26.221 (Both vul) played 62 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+3 score:    80%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+3 score:    80%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+2 score:    20%
Par Abs: 5C/NS+5 score:    80%
Compare: 3N/NS+3 score:    80%
They did not double
Our gain for auction:       0%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            30%

Board: MP-26.224 (E-W vul) played 70 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3D/EW+3 score:    22%
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+1 score:    78%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:    22%
Par Abs: 2NX/NS-1 score:    41%
Compare: 3D/EW-1 score:    83%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      42%
Our gain for defense:     -60%
Teammates gain:            -9%

Board: MP-26.225 (None vul) played 66 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1N/EW+1 score:    33%
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+1 score:    84%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+1 score:    33%
Par Abs: 1N/EW+1 score:    33%
Compare: 1N/EW+1 score:    33%
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -17%

Board: MP-26.226 (N-S vul) played 71 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2N/NS+2 score:    61%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:    61%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+2 score:    11%
Par Abs: 3HX/EW-1 score:    36%
Compare: 2N/NS+2 score:    61%
They did not save
Our gain for auction:      26%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:           -14%

Board: MP-26.227 (E-W vul) played 66 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/NS+3 score:    84%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+2 score:    66%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+2 score:    15%
Par Abs: 2S/NS+2 score:    66%
Compare: 3S/NS-1 score:    37%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -29%
Pd  gain for dummy play:   47%
Teammates gain:            16%

Board: MP-26.335 (N-S vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/EW+4 score:    28%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:   100%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+3 score:    58%
Par Abs: 4SX/EW-1 score:    94%
Compare: 3S/EW+3 score:    58%
We did not double
Our gain for auction:     -35%
Our gain for defense:     -31%
Teammates gain:            44%

Board: MP-26.336 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2N/NS-1 score:    33%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:    55%
Par  EW: 1D/EW+1 score:    21%
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:    55%
Compare: 2N/NS+2 score:    55%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Pd  gain for dummy play:  -22%
Teammates gain:             5%

Board: MP-26.337 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/NS+3 score:    91%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:    91%
Par  EW: 1D/EW+1 score:    13%
Par Abs: 3S/NS+3 score:    91%
Compare: 2H/NS+2 score:    70%
We found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:     -21%
My  gain for dummy play:   21%
Teammates gain:            41%

Board: MP-26.338 (N-S vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3H/EW-2 score:    80%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    44%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:    35%
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:    35%
Compare: 3H/EW-2 score:    80%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      45%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -15%

Board: MP-26.339 (E-W vul) played 44 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3D/NS+3 score:    52%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+3 score:    91%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+1 score:     5%
Par Abs: 3N/NS+3 score:    91%
Compare: 3D/NS+3 score:    52%
We found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:     -39%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            41%

Board: MP-26.340 (Both vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5D/EW-1 score:    75%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    66%
Par  EW: 3N/EW+4 score:    16%
Par Abs: 4N/EW+4 score:    16%
Compare: 5D/EW-1 score:    75%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      59%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -34%

Board: MP-26.380 (N-S vul) played 65 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3C/EW+3 score:    45%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    55%
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:     7%
Par Abs: 4S/EW+4 score:     7%
Compare: 3C/EW+3 score:    45%
Our gain for auction:      38%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -43%

Board: MP-26.382 (None vul) played 68 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW+6 score:    46%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    64%
Par  EW: 6N/EW+6 score:    21%
Par Abs: 6N/EW+6 score:    21%
Compare: 3N/EW+6 score:    46%
Our gain for auction:      25%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -29%

Board: MP-26.383 (N-S vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+3 score:    57%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+4 score:    80%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:     0%
Par Abs: 5SX/EW-3 score:    42%
Compare: 3N/NS+4 score:    80%
They did not save
Our gain for auction:      39%
Pd  gain for dummy play:  -23%
Teammates gain:            -8%

Board: MP-26.384 (E-W vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4HX/EW-1 score:    85%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:    73%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:    18%
Par Abs: 3S/NS+3 score:    73%
Compare: 4HX/EW-1 score:    85%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      12%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            23%

Board: MP-26.385 (None vul) played 65 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3C/NS+4 score:    16%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+4 score:    55%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    13%
Par Abs: 4N/NS+4 score:    55%
Compare: 3C/NS+4 score:    16%
We found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:     -38%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:             5%

Board: MP-26.386 (N-S vul) played 69 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW+6 score:     9%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    91%
Par  EW: 4H/EW+5 score:    34%
Par Abs: 5H/EW+5 score:    34%
Compare: 4H/EW+5 score:    34%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:     -25%
Teammates gain:           -16%

Board: MP-26.387 (E-W vul) played 70 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/NS+5 score:    41%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+5 score:    41%
Par  EW: PassOut score:     7%
Par Abs: 5S/NS+5 score:    41%
Compare: 4S/NS+5 score:    41%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            -9%

Board: MP-26.388 (Both vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5H/NS+5 score:    17%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 6H/NS+6 score:    81%
Par  EW: PassOut score:     8%
Par Abs: 6H/NS+6 score:    81%
Compare: 5H/NS+6 score:    43%
We underbid
Our gain for auction:     -38%
My  gain for dummy play:  -26%
Teammates gain:            31%

Board: MP-26.474 (Both vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/NS-1 score:    70%
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+1 score:    86%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:    53%
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:    53%
Compare: 2H/NS-1 score:    70%
We overbid in push zone
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:      17%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:             3%

Board: MP-26.779 (None vul) played 60 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS-3 score:     2%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+4 score:    75%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:     7%
Par Abs: 4C/NS+4 score:    75%
Compare: 3N/NS-2 score:    17%
We found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:     -58%
Pd  gain for dummy play:  -15%
Teammates gain:            25%

Board: MP-26.780 (N-S vul) played 64 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW-2 score:    85%
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+3 score:    89%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+3 score:    42%
Par Abs: 3S/EW+3 score:    42%
Compare: 4S/EW-1 score:    75%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      33%
Our gain for defense:      10%
Teammates gain:            -8%

Board: MP-26.781 (Both vul) played 57 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6H/EW-3 score:    86%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    48%
Par  EW: 3N/EW+5 score:    13%
Par Abs: 5N/EW+5 score:    13%
Compare: 6H/EW-3 score:    86%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      72%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -37%

Board: MP-26.782 (None vul) played 58 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4SX/EW-1 score:    78%
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+3 score:    90%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+3 score:    29%
Par Abs: 4HX/NS-1 score:    47%
Compare: 4SX/EW-1 score:    78%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      32%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            -4%

Board: MP-26.783 (N-S vul) played 59 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/EW+2 score:    22%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+3 score:    80%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+2 score:    22%
Par Abs: 3HX/EW-1 score:    66%
Compare: 2H/EW+2 score:    22%
We did not double
Our gain for auction:     -44%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            16%

Board: MP-26.784 (E-W vul) played 58 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW-1 score:    76%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    56%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:    42%
Par Abs: 3H/EW+3 score:    42%
Compare: 4H/EW-1 score:    76%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      34%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            -8%

Board: MP-26.785 (None vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1N/NS+1 score:    54%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+2 score:    79%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+1 score:    15%
Par Abs: 2SX/EW-1 score:    69%
Compare: 1N/NS+1 score:    54%
We found wrong strain
They did not save
Our gain for auction:     -16%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            19%

Board: MP-26.786 (N-S vul) played 58 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4SX/NS-3 score:     3%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    60%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:    47%
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:    47%
Compare: 4SX/NS-4 score:     0%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -47%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    3%
Teammates gain:            -3%

Board: MP-26.787 (E-W vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/NS+4 score:    46%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:    46%
Par  EW: PassOut score:     0%
Par Abs: 4H/NS+4 score:    46%
Compare: 4H/NS+4 score:    46%
Our gain for auction:       0%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            -4%

Board: MP-26.788 (Both vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5D/EW+5 score:    19%
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+2 score:    81%
Par  EW: 6D/EW+6 score:     0%
Par Abs: 6SX/NS-4 score:     0%
Compare: 5D/EW+6 score:    10%
We did not save
Our gain for auction:      10%
Our gain for defense:       9%
Teammates gain:           -50%

Board: MP-26.789 (N-S vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6S/EW+6 score:    15%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    98%
Par  EW: 6N/EW+6 score:     0%
Par Abs: 6N/EW+6 score:     0%
Compare: 6S/EW+6 score:    15%
Our gain for auction:      15%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -50%

Board: MP-26.790 (E-W vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 7N/EW-1 score:    91%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    85%
Par  EW: 6N/EW+6 score:    36%
Par Abs: 6N/EW+6 score:    36%
Compare: 7N/EW-1 score:    91%
They overbid
Our gain for auction:      56%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:           -14%

Board: MP-26.792 (None vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2DX/NS+2 score:    68%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:    56%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:     4%
Par Abs: 3NX/EW-1 score:    46%
Compare: 2DX/NS+2 score:    68%
They did not save
Our gain for auction:      21%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            -4%

Board: MP-26.793 (E-W vul) played 50 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/NS+2 score:    48%
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+2 score:    48%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:    10%
Par Abs: 3HX/NS-1 score:    15%
Compare: 2H/NS+2 score:    48%
They did not double
Our gain for auction:      33%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:           -35%

Board: MP-26.794 (Both vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5CX/EW-1 score:    80%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    90%
Par  EW: 1C/EW+4 score:    32%
Par Abs: 5CX/EW-1 score:    80%
Compare: 5CX/EW-1 score:    80%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            30%

Board: MP-26.795 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4C/NS+4 score:    46%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+4 score:    93%
Par  EW: 1S/EW+1 score:     2%
Par Abs: 4N/NS+4 score:    93%
Compare: 4C/NS+4 score:    46%
We found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:     -47%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            43%

Board: MP-26.796 (N-S vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4SX/NS-2 score:     2%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:    77%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    69%
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:    77%
Compare: 4SX/NS-2 score:     2%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -75%
Pd  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            27%

Board: MP-26.797 (Both vul) played 51 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    49%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    49%
Par  EW: PassOut score:     2%
Par Abs: 4S/NS+4 score:    49%
Compare: 4S/NS+4 score:    49%
Our gain for auction:       0%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:            -1%

Board: MP-26.798 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/NS-3 score:    26%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    77%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:    51%
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:    51%
Compare: 3S/NS-3 score:    26%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -25%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:             1%

Board: MP-26.799 (N-S vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4C/EW-1 score:    20%
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+5 score:    65%
Par  EW: 1C/EW+4 score:     8%
Par Abs: 6CX/EW-2 score:    38%
Compare: 4C/EW+4 score:     8%
We did not double
Our gain for auction:     -31%
Our gain for defense:      13%
Teammates gain:           -12%

Board: MP-26.800 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 7S/NS+7 score:   100%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 6S/NS+6 score:    77%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    13%
Par Abs: 6S/NS+6 score:    77%
Compare: 7S/NS-1 score:     8%
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     -69%
Pd  gain for dummy play:   92%
Teammates gain:            27%

Board: MP-26.801 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1N/EW+1 score:    61%
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:    81%
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:    26%
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:    26%
Compare: 1N/EW+2 score:    26%
Our gain for auction:       0%
Our gain for defense:      35%
Teammates gain:           -24%

Board: MP-26.802 (N-S vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/NS+5 score:    44%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    65%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+1 score:    12%
Par Abs: 4S/NS+4 score:    65%
Compare: 3S/NS+4 score:    31%
We underbid
Our gain for auction:     -33%
Pd  gain for dummy play:   13%
Teammates gain:            15%

Board: MP-26.803 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4SX/NS+4 score:    99%
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:    57%
Par  EW: PassOut score:    23%
Par Abs: 4S/NS+4 score:    57%
Compare: 4SX/NS+4 score:    99%
Our gain for auction:      43%
My  gain for dummy play:    0%
Teammates gain:             7%

Board: MP-26.804 (Both vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3H/EW+3 score:     0%
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+5 score:    70%
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:     0%
Par Abs: 5S/NS+5 score:    70%
Compare: 3H/EW+3 score:     0%
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:     -70%
Our gain for defense:       0%
Teammates gain:            20%

Board: IMP-26.377 (E-W vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1D/NS-2 score:  -0.40
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+1 score:   3.87
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:  -1.21
Par Abs: 2N/EW+2 score:  -1.21
Compare: 1D/NS-1 score:   0.81
We found wrong strain
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:     2.00
My  gain for dummy play: -2.00
Teammates gain:          -0.40

Board: IMP-26.379 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/EW+3 score:   2.37
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+3 score:   7.60
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:  -3.96
Par Abs: 5DX/NS-2 score:  -1.27
Compare: 3S/EW+4 score:   1.73
We did not save
Our gain for auction:     4.00
Our gain for defense:     1.00
Teammates gain:          -2.63

Board: IMP-26.380 (N-S vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2S/EW+2 score:  -3.08
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:  10.72
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:  -3.08
Par Abs: 4SX/EW-2 score:   5.85
Compare: 2S/EW+2 score:  -3.08
We did not double
Our gain for auction:    -9.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:           5.92

Board: IMP-26.381 (Both vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3C/EW-1 score:   6.81
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+2 score:   6.51
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:  -6.98
Par Abs: 4S/EW+4 score:  -6.98
Compare: 3C/EW-1 score:   6.81
Our gain for auction:    12.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -5.19

Board: IMP-26.382 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5D/NS+6 score:   0.29
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 6D/NS+6 score:  10.23
Par  EW: 1H/EW+1 score:  -9.73
Par Abs: 6D/NS+6 score:  10.23
Compare: 5D/NS+6 score:   0.29
We underbid
Our gain for auction:   -11.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:          11.29

Board: IMP-26.384 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/NS+4 score:   2.68
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:   2.68
Par  EW: 1D/EW+3 score:  -9.04
Par Abs: 4S/NS+4 score:   2.68
Compare: 4S/NS+4 score:   2.68
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           2.68

Board: IMP-26.385 (None vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW-1 score:   2.51
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+1 score:   3.38
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:  -2.18
Par Abs: 3H/EW+3 score:  -2.18
Compare: 4H/EW-1 score:   2.51
They overbid
Our gain for auction:     5.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.49

Board: IMP-26.386 (N-S vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/NS+5 score:   1.83
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:   0.57
Par  EW: 1D/EW+3 score:  -4.78
Par Abs: 4DX/EW-1 score:  -0.44
Compare: 3S/NS+3 score:   0.57
They did not save
Our gain for auction:     1.00
My  gain for dummy play:  2.00
Teammates gain:          -1.17

Board: IMP-26.387 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW+4 score:  -6.55
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   3.85
Par  EW: 4H/EW+4 score:  -6.55
Par Abs: 4H/EW+4 score:  -6.55
Compare: 4H/EW+4 score:  -6.55
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -6.55

Board: IMP-26.388 (Both vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1N/EW-2 score:   7.04
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   2.55
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score: -10.05
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score: -10.05
Compare: 1N/EW+3 score:  -1.30
Our gain for auction:    10.00
Our gain for defense:     8.00
Teammates gain:         -10.96

Board: IMP-26.389 (N-S vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/NS-1 score:   1.94
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+2 score:   5.85
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:  -5.54
Par Abs: 4S/EW+4 score:  -5.54
Compare: 2H/NS-1 score:   1.94
We found wrong strain
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:     8.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:          -6.06

Board: IMP-26.390 (E-W vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5D/NS+5 score:  10.28
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+4 score:   5.78
Par  EW: PassOut score:   2.47
Par Abs: 4C/NS+4 score:   5.78
Compare: 5D/NS-1 score:   1.31
We overbid
Our gain for auction:    -5.00
My  gain for dummy play: 10.00
Teammates gain:           5.28

Board: IMP-26.396 (N-S vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW+4 score:  -1.27
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   8.18
Par  EW: 4H/EW+4 score:  -1.27
Par Abs: 4H/EW+4 score:  -1.27
Compare: 4H/EW+4 score:  -1.27
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -1.27

Board: IMP-26.400 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW+4 score:  -2.96
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   8.92
Par  EW: 4H/EW+4 score:  -2.96
Par Abs: 4H/EW+4 score:  -2.96
Compare: 4H/EW+4 score:  -2.96
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.96

Board: IMP-26.401 (None vul) played 48 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4C/EW-1 score:   2.19
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+1 score:   3.00
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:  -2.92
Par Abs: 3H/EW+3 score:  -2.92
Compare: 4C/EW-2 score:   3.54
They overbid
Our gain for auction:     6.00
Our gain for defense:    -2.00
Teammates gain:          -1.81

Board: IMP-26.402 (N-S vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6H/NS+7 score:  -6.59
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 7H/NS+7 score:   5.83
Par  EW: PassOut score: -18.26
Par Abs: 7H/NS+7 score:   5.83
Compare: 6H/NS+7 score:  -6.59
We underbid
Our gain for auction:   -13.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           6.41

Board: IMP-26.452 (Both vul) played 71 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS-1 score:  -3.77
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:   1.54
Par  EW: 1C/EW+2 score:  -3.46
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:   1.54
Compare: 3N/NS-1 score:  -3.77
We overbid
Our gain for auction:    -6.00
My  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           2.23

Board: IMP-26.453 (N-S vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2D/EW+2 score:   2.05
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+1 score:   5.86
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -4.79
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score:  -4.79
Compare: 2D/EW-2 score:   6.48
Our gain for auction:    11.00
Our gain for defense:    -5.00
Teammates gain:          -3.95

Board: IMP-26.454 (E-W vul) played 66 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW+3 score:  -2.11
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   7.87
Par  EW: 3N/EW+4 score:  -2.86
Par Abs: 4N/EW+4 score:  -2.86
Compare: 3N/EW+4 score:  -2.86
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     1.00
Teammates gain:          -3.11

Board: IMP-26.455 (Both vul) played 75 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2S/EW+2 score:  -0.30
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+1 score:   4.72
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:  -0.30
Par Abs: 2S/EW+2 score:  -0.30
Compare: 2S/EW+2 score:  -0.30
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -0.30

Board: IMP-26.456 (None vul) played 73 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3C/EW-3 score:   3.58
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+1 score:   2.10
Par  EW: 1N/EW+1 score:  -2.56
Par Abs: 1N/EW+1 score:  -2.56
Compare: 3C/EW-3 score:   3.58
They overbid
Our gain for auction:     6.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.42

Board: IMP-26.458 (Both vul) played 74 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/EW-1 score:   0.68
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+4 score:   1.37
Par  EW: 1C/EW+4 score:  -4.84
Par Abs: 4D/NS+4 score:   1.37
Compare: 2H/EW-1 score:   0.68
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:    -1.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:           1.68

Board: IMP-26.459 (None vul) played 65 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2S/NS+4 score:   0.30
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:   6.03
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -4.11
Par Abs: 4S/NS+4 score:   6.03
Compare: 2S/NS+4 score:   0.30
We underbid
Our gain for auction:    -6.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           6.30

Board: IMP-26.460 (N-S vul) played 69 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6C/EW-1 score:   9.09
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   8.23
Par  EW: 6C/EW+6 score:  -9.68
Par Abs: 6C/EW+6 score:  -9.68
Compare: 6C/EW+6 score:  -9.68
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:    14.00
Teammates gain:          -4.91

Board: IMP-26.462 (None vul) played 65 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS-2 score:  -1.91
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:   3.23
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:  -2.05
Par Abs: 3SX/EW-1 score:   2.80
Compare: 3N/NS-1 score:  -0.52
We overbid
Our gain for auction:    -4.00
My  gain for dummy play: -2.00
Teammates gain:           4.09

Board: IMP-26.542 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/EW-2 score:   0.81
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:   8.08
Par  EW: 1S/EW+1 score:  -3.70
Par Abs: 4H/NS+4 score:   8.08
Compare: 3S/EW-2 score:   0.81
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:    -8.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:           8.81

Board: IMP-26.543 (N-S vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3D/NS-1 score:   1.61
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+1 score:   5.77
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:   0.61
Par Abs: 3H/EW+3 score:   0.61
Compare: 3D/NS-2 score:  -1.24
We overbid in push zone
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:    -2.00
My  gain for dummy play:  3.00
Teammates gain:           0.61

Board: IMP-26.544 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+3 score:   2.77
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+3 score:   2.77
Par  EW: 1H/EW+1 score:  -7.41
Par Abs: 3N/NS+3 score:   2.77
Compare: 3N/NS+3 score:   2.77
Our gain for auction:     0.00
My  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           2.77

Board: IMP-26.545 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS-2 score:  -4.83
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:   0.60
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -2.29
Par Abs: 3S/NS+3 score:   0.60
Compare: 3N/NS-1 score:  -3.35
We overbid
Our gain for auction:    -5.00
My  gain for dummy play: -2.00
Teammates gain:           2.17

Board: IMP-26.546 (N-S vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/NS+5 score:   0.62
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+5 score:   0.62
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -8.89
Par Abs: 5S/NS+5 score:   0.62
Compare: 4S/NS+5 score:   0.62
Our gain for auction:     0.00
My  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           0.62

Board: IMP-26.547 (E-W vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1N/NS+2 score:  -0.41
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+3 score:   0.35
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -3.48
Par Abs: 3H/NS+3 score:   0.35
Compare: 1N/NS+2 score:  -0.41
We found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:    -1.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           0.59

Board: IMP-26.548 (Both vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW+4 score:  -6.69
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+1 score:   5.59
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -6.41
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score:  -6.41
Compare: 4S/EW-1 score:   5.96
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    12.00
Our gain for defense:   -12.00
Teammates gain:          -6.69

Board: IMP-26.549 (N-S vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1S/EW+4 score:  -2.11
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+1 score:   4.27
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:  -0.13
Par Abs: 2S/EW+2 score:  -0.13
Compare: 1S/EW+2 score:  -0.13
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:    -2.00
Teammates gain:          -0.11

Board: IMP-26.550 (E-W vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW-3 score:   3.90
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:  -2.96
Par  EW: 1H/EW+2 score:  -5.21
Par Abs: 2H/EW+2 score:  -5.21
Compare: 3N/EW-3 score:   3.90
They overbid
Our gain for auction:     9.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -5.10

Board: IMP-26.551 (Both vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2S/EW-1 score:   2.98
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   1.00
Par  EW: 1S/EW+3 score:  -1.94
Par Abs: 3S/EW+3 score:  -1.94
Compare: 2S/EW+3 score:  -1.94
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     6.00
Teammates gain:          -3.02

Board: IMP-26.552 (None vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW-1 score:   6.24
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+2 score:   7.11
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:  -4.07
Par Abs: 4S/EW+4 score:  -4.07
Compare: 4S/EW+4 score:  -4.07
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:    10.00
Teammates gain:          -3.76

Board: IMP-26.554 (Both vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+6 score:   0.88
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+5 score:  -0.08
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -9.94
Par Abs: 5N/NS+5 score:  -0.08
Compare: 3N/NS+5 score:  -0.08
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  1.00
Teammates gain:          -0.12

Board: IMP-26.555 (None vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW+5 score: -10.39
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 5D/NS+5 score:   4.50
Par  EW: 1S/EW+3 score:  -5.98
Par Abs: 5SX/EW-2 score:   2.59
Compare: 4S/EW-1 score:  -2.63
We did not double
Our gain for auction:    -6.00
Our gain for defense:   -11.00
Teammates gain:           6.61

Board: IMP-26.556 (N-S vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW+4 score:  -2.09
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   7.30
Par  EW: 3N/EW+4 score:  -2.09
Par Abs: 4N/EW+4 score:  -2.09
Compare: 3N/EW+4 score:  -2.09
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.09

Board: IMP-26.557 (Both vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1H/NS+1 score:   1.08
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:   2.77
Par  EW: 1D/EW+2 score:  -3.36
Par Abs: 3S/NS+3 score:   2.77
Compare: 1H/NS+1 score:   1.08
We found wrong strain
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:    -2.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           3.08

Board: IMP-26.558 (None vul) played 59 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/EW-1 score:   3.95
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   2.81
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -5.76
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score:  -5.76
Compare: 4H/EW-1 score:   3.95
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    10.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -6.05

Board: IMP-26.559 (N-S vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5HX/EW-1 score:  -3.30
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+4 score:   6.17
Par  EW: 4H/EW+4 score: -11.57
Par Abs: 5HX/EW-1 score:  -3.30
Compare: 5HX/EW-1 score:  -3.30
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -3.30

Board: IMP-26.560 (E-W vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2S/NS+5 score:  -3.69
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+5 score:   2.40
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -8.03
Par Abs: 5S/NS+5 score:   2.40
Compare: 2S/NS+5 score:  -3.69
We underbid
Our gain for auction:    -6.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           2.31

Board: IMP-26.561 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/NS+3 score:   0.62
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+4 score:   1.51
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -8.19
Par Abs: 4N/NS+4 score:   1.51
Compare: 3N/NS+4 score:   1.51
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play: -1.00
Teammates gain:           1.62

Board: IMP-26.562 (N-S vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/EW+2 score:  -2.96
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+2 score:   1.83
Par  EW: 1H/EW+2 score:  -2.96
Par Abs: 2H/EW+2 score:  -2.96
Compare: 2H/EW+2 score:  -2.96
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.96

Board: IMP-26.563 (E-W vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW+5 score:  -4.21
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   8.55
Par  EW: 4S/EW+5 score:  -4.21
Par Abs: 5S/EW+5 score:  -4.21
Compare: 4S/EW+5 score:  -4.21
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -4.21

Board: IMP-26.564 (Both vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW-2 score:   9.67
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   7.19
Par  EW: 3N/EW+5 score:  -3.84
Par Abs: 5N/EW+5 score:  -3.84
Compare: 4S/EW+4 score:  -3.10
Our gain for auction:     1.00
Our gain for defense:    13.00
Teammates gain:          -4.33

Board: IMP-26.565 (N-S vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5CX/EW-5 score:  10.54
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+5 score:   1.90
Par  EW: PassOut score: -11.65
Par Abs: 5H/NS+5 score:   1.90
Compare: 5CX/EW-5 score:  10.54
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:    10.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:           0.54

Board: IMP-26.566 (E-W vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/EW+2 score:  -4.20
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+3 score:   0.87
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:  -4.20
Par Abs: 3D/NS+3 score:   0.87
Compare: 2H/EW+2 score:  -4.20
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:    -6.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:           1.80

Board: IMP-26.567 (Both vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 7N/EW-2 score:  11.24
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   8.72
Par  EW: 6C/EW+6 score:  -8.63
Par Abs: 6C/EW+6 score:  -8.63
Compare: 7N/EW-2 score:  11.24
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    17.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -5.76

Board: IMP-26.568 (None vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/NS-2 score:   0.71
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+2 score:   5.77
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -6.21
Par Abs: 4SX/NS-2 score:  -3.92
Compare: 4S/NS-2 score:   0.71
We overbid
They did not double
Our gain for auction:     5.00
My  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:          -4.29

Board: IMP-26.569 (E-W vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3D/NS-1 score:  -3.11
Somewhat competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 1N/NS+2 score:   0.69
Par  EW: 1S/EW+2 score:  -4.59
Par Abs: 2N/NS+2 score:   0.69
Compare: 3D/NS-1 score:  -3.11
We overbid
Our gain for auction:    -5.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           1.89

Board: IMP-26.570 (Both vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2S/NS-2 score:  -4.49
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:  -0.80
Par  EW: 1N/EW+1 score:  -2.51
Par Abs: 1N/EW+1 score:  -2.51
Compare: 2S/NS-3 score:  -6.31
We overbid
Our gain for auction:    -5.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  3.00
Teammates gain:          -2.49

Board: IMP-26.571 (None vul) played 54 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6H/EW+6 score: -11.32
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+1 score:   7.81
Par  EW: 4H/EW+5 score:  -2.77
Par Abs: 5H/EW+5 score:  -2.77
Compare: 6H/EW-1 score:   7.34
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    11.00
Our gain for defense:   -14.00
Teammates gain:          -8.32

Board: IMP-26.572 (N-S vul) played 57 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3S/NS-2 score:   0.09
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+2 score:   7.16
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -4.45
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score:  -4.45
Compare: 3S/NS-1 score:   2.45
We overbid in push zone
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:     7.00
My  gain for dummy play: -3.00
Teammates gain:          -3.91

Board: IMP-26.573 (Both vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4H/NS+6 score:  -3.89
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 7H/NS+7 score:   8.91
Par  EW: PassOut score: -12.87
Par Abs: 7H/NS+7 score:   8.91
Compare: 4H/NS+7 score:  -3.30
We underbid
Our gain for auction:   -17.00
My  gain for dummy play: -1.00
Teammates gain:          14.11

Board: IMP-26.574 (None vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6S/EW+6 score: -10.38
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   6.05
Par  EW: 4S/EW+5 score:  -2.00
Par Abs: 5S/EW+5 score:  -2.00
Compare: 6S/EW-1 score:   6.85
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    11.00
Our gain for defense:   -14.00
Teammates gain:          -7.38

Board: IMP-26.716 (N-S vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 2H/NS-1 score:  -2.59
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+1 score:   1.92
Par  EW: 1C/EW+2 score:  -2.50
Par Abs: 2C/EW+2 score:  -2.50
Compare: 2H/NS-1 score:  -2.59
We overbid
Our gain for auction:     0.00
My  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.59

Board: IMP-26.717 (Both vul) played 56 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 5D/EW+6 score:  -6.73
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   4.14
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -6.33
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score:  -6.33
Compare: 5D/EW-1 score:   5.78
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    12.00
Our gain for defense:   -12.00
Teammates gain:          -6.73

Board: IMP-26.718 (None vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3N/EW-1 score:   1.52
Strongly competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+2 score:   3.19
Par  EW: 1N/EW+2 score:  -2.73
Par Abs: 3HX/NS-1 score:  -2.33
Compare: 3N/EW-1 score:   1.52
They overbid
Our gain for auction:     4.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -2.48

Board: IMP-26.719 (N-S vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 1N/NS-3 score:  -3.25
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:   4.44
Par  EW: 3N/EW+3 score:  -5.48
Par Abs: 3N/EW+3 score:  -5.48
Compare: 1N/NS-2 score:  -0.62
We found wrong strain
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:     5.00
My  gain for dummy play: -3.00
Teammates gain:          -5.25

Board: IMP-26.720 (E-W vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 4S/EW-1 score:   3.49
Strongly competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 6D/NS+6 score:  12.24
Par  EW: 4S/EW+5 score:  -6.43
Par Abs: 6SX/EW-1 score:   4.75
Compare: 4S/EW+5 score:  -6.43
We did not double
Our gain for auction:   -13.00
Our gain for defense:    13.00
Teammates gain:           3.49

Board: IMP-26.721 (None vul) played 55 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 3H/NS-3 score:  -0.48
Somewhat competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: 1H/NS+2 score:   5.57
Par  EW: 4S/EW+4 score:  -6.83
Par Abs: 4S/EW+4 score:  -6.83
Compare: 3H/NS-1 score:   2.07
We overbid in push zone
They did not compete
Our gain for auction:     9.00
Pd  gain for dummy play: -3.00
Teammates gain:          -6.48

Board: IMP-26.722 (N-S vul) played 52 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 6D/NS-2 score: -11.65
Non-competitive: NS (our) hand
Par  NS: 4H/NS+4 score:   1.96
Par  EW: PassOut score:  -9.53
Par Abs: 4H/NS+4 score:   1.96
Compare: 6D/NS-2 score: -11.65
We overbid
Our gain for auction:   -13.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:           1.35

Board: IMP-26.723 (E-W vul) played 53 times
With <partner> sitting NS: 7N/EW-1 score:  11.77
Non-competitive: EW (their) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:  10.73
Par  EW: 7D/EW+7 score: -13.65
Par Abs: 7D/EW+7 score: -13.65
Compare: 7N/EW-1 score:  11.77
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    19.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -7.23

Board: IMP-26.762 (Both vul) played 59 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 4S/NS+6 score:  -3.24
Non-competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 4S/NS+5 score:  -2.47
Par  EW: PassOut score:   8.75
Par Abs: 5S/NS+5 score:  -2.47
Compare: 4S/NS+5 score:  -2.47
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Our gain for defense:     1.00
Teammates gain:           2.24

Board: IMP-26.763 (None vul) played 65 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 4S/NS-1 score:  -0.20
Strongly competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+3 score:  -4.05
Par  EW: 1H/EW+3 score:   2.06
Par Abs: 4HX/EW-1 score:  -3.27
Compare: 4S/NS-1 score:  -0.20
They overbid
Our gain for auction:    -4.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:           4.20

Board: IMP-26.764 (N-S vul) played 65 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 1N/NS+4 score:   4.67
Non-competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 3N/NS+5 score:  -5.45
Par  EW: PassOut score:   7.98
Par Abs: 5N/NS+5 score:  -5.45
Compare: 1N/NS+5 score:   4.06
They underbid
Our gain for auction:   -10.00
Our gain for defense:    -1.00
Teammates gain:           6.33

Board: IMP-26.765 (Both vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 2H/NS-3 score:   2.88
Somewhat competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1D/NS+1 score:  -5.91
Par  EW: 3N/EW+4 score:   9.26
Par Abs: 4N/EW+4 score:   9.26
Compare: 2H/NS-3 score:   2.88
They found wrong strain
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:     8.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:         -10.88

Board: IMP-26.766 (None vul) played 57 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 3C/EW+3 score:   3.82
Strongly competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+2 score:  -1.98
Par  EW: 1C/EW+3 score:   3.82
Par Abs: 3SX/NS-1 score:   3.61
Compare: 3C/EW+3 score:   3.82
They did not save
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:          -3.82

Board: IMP-26.767 (N-S vul) played 66 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 3C/EW-1 score:  -3.00
Somewhat competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1S/NS+1 score:  -3.79
Par  EW: 1C/EW+3 score:   0.63
Par Abs: 3C/EW+3 score:   0.63
Compare: 3C/EW+3 score:   0.63
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  4.00
Teammates gain:          -1.00

Board: IMP-26.768 (E-W vul) played 71 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 3N/NS+3 score:  -7.10
Somewhat competitive: NS (their) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+4 score:  -1.13
Par  EW: 1H/EW+1 score:   4.04
Par Abs: 4C/NS+4 score:  -1.13
Compare: 3N/NS-1 score:   3.19
They found wrong strain
Our gain for auction:    -5.00
Our gain for defense:    10.00
Teammates gain:           2.10

Board: IMP-26.769 (None vul) played 66 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 3H/NS-4 score:  -5.89
Somewhat competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: 1C/NS+1 score:  -9.88
Par  EW: 3N/EW+5 score:  -1.25
Par Abs: 5N/EW+5 score:  -1.25
Compare: 3H/NS-4 score:  -5.89
They found wrong strain
We did not compete
Our gain for auction:     6.00
Our gain for defense:     0.00
Teammates gain:          -0.11

Board: IMP-26.771 (E-W vul) played 68 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 4H/EW+4 score:   1.51
Non-competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:  -9.93
Par  EW: 4H/EW+4 score:   1.51
Par Abs: 4H/EW+4 score:   1.51
Compare: 4H/EW+4 score:   1.51
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play:  0.00
Teammates gain:          -1.51

Board: IMP-26.772 (Both vul) played 67 times
With <partner> sitting EW: 5H/EW-2 score: -11.20
Non-competitive: EW (our) hand
Par  NS: PassOut score:  -8.88
Par  EW: 4H/EW+5 score:   2.92
Par Abs: 5H/EW+5 score:   2.92
Compare: 5H/EW+5 score:   2.92
Our gain for auction:     0.00
Pd  gain for dummy play: 13.00
Teammates gain:          -1.80

Analysis of MP boards:
Total MPs:     99% (avg.:    51%)
List of MP skills:
    Total contribution:   -33% for 6 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:       1% (6)
    Avg. gains in defense:      -5% (3)
    Total contribution:   -54% for 75 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:      -2% (75)
    Avg. gains in defense:       1% (39)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:     3% (14)
    Total contribution:    30% for 14 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:      -7% (14)
    Avg. gains in defense:       5% (5)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:    21% (5)
    Total contribution:    12% for 11 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:       1% (11)
    Avg. gains in defense:       1% (7)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:    -4% (3)
    Total contribution:    42% for 21 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:       1% (21)
    Avg. gains in defense:       1% (12)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:     2% (4)
    Total contribution:   -16% for 22 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:      -4% (22)
    Avg. gains in defense:       1% (12)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:     8% (7)
    Total contribution:     8% for 1 boards
Total help from teammates:   109%

Analysis of IMP boards:
Total IMPs: -21.33 (avg.:  -0.28)
List of IMP skills:
    Total contribution:  10.50 for 5 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:     1.30 (5)
    Total contribution:  33.00 for 75 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:     0.39 (75)
    Avg. gains in defense:     0.05 (43)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:   0.14 (14)
    Total contribution:  -6.00 for 8 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:    -0.44 (8)
    Avg. gains in defense:    -0.70 (5)
    Total contribution:   9.00 for 24 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:     0.54 (24)
    Avg. gains in defense:    -0.08 (13)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:  -0.60 (5)
    Total contribution:   5.00 for 9 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:     0.00 (9)
    Avg. gains in defense:     0.83 (6)
    Total contribution:  10.00 for 19 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:     0.82 (19)
    Avg. gains in defense:    -0.68 (11)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:   0.40 (5)
    Total contribution:  19.50 for 10 boards
    Avg. gains in auction:    -0.25 (10)
    Avg. gains in defense:     0.83 (6)
    Avg. gains in dummyPlay:   4.25 (4)
Total help from teammates: -66.83