Methods for interfering over opponents NoTrump

This list, especially useful for OKBridgers (these commonly used conventions aren't explained anywhere in the OKBridge web site or help file and the first two aren't in Pavlicek and Root) was put together by Marcia West (tarsh). Thanks, Marcia.

This page currently describes the following:


Cappeletti or Hamilton (it has either name) is as follows:

x       =       penalty
2c      =       single (unspecified) suit partner must bid 2d 
2d      =       majors
2h      =       H and a minor
2s      =       S and a minor
2n      =       minors

What kind of strength is indicated here?
This has no particular strength, just more in the trick taking idea. Any time you make a bid over NT openers you mess up the bidding, which is the would be more likely to bid when you are NOT vulnerable, and they are....or when you have good playing suits, but not necessarily the high card count. These are the Michaels/Unusual no trump types of hands. However many players do it with 4 card suits. You will be surprised how this can mess up the bidding...unless your opponents are strong! then watch out.

DONT: Disturb the opponents NO Trump

*       =       single suit, forces partner to bid 2c (X'er passes
                or bids his real suit)
2c      =       clubs and a higher ranking unspecified suit, 
                bids 2d to ask higher - if diamonds higher, pass,
                otherwise bid the higher
2d      =       diamonds "      "       "	"	"	"
2h      =       hearts and spades "	"	"	"	"
2s      =       only spades - not a good a spade suit than if you
                had used the * forcing 2c followed by 2S.

In the case of clubs and a higher suit, partner bids 2d IF he does NOT like clubs. If that isn't bidders second suit, he will bid his second suit at that time.....therefore, do not take it out of clubs if you have NO tolerance for another suit..... All other bids, like 1n 2d, if you do NOT like diamonds bid 2 hearts if hearts is NOT partner's suit he will then bid spades, which by the process of elimination is the right suit

All these overcalls are based on vulnerability, and trick taking....if you have lots of spades...perhaps 6/7 and an outside ace, you have a good trick taking hand. It also matters whether you are in front of or behind the no trump bidder. One would not probably do it without 8+ are really just trying to make it difficult for the opponents to find where they should play the contract.

Remember: DONT = disturb the opponents notrump :)


          X = single suit. Partner may pass for penalty, or bid 2c 
              remove penalty, then doubler bids his suit, or 
              if he holds clubs.
         2c = C + H
         2D = D + H
         2H = H + S
         2S = S and a minor, parnter may then bid 2n to ask for 
         2N = C + D
         3C, 3D, 3H, 3S show a three suited hand, with a singleton 
	    void in the bid suit....however some partners play this 
	    as natural, so MUST be discussed beforehand.